Property by floor management
« The co-owners are our " leaders ", we are at their service and they are electing us every year :our mission is to carry out their community policy. »
Steve Clerc

Our proposition
Our property by floor administrators are handpicked. They demonstrate knowledge in building technology for renovation or transformation.
We have an excellent command of taxation and accounting. However, it is mainly our human qualities that distinguish us at St. Clerc Immobilier: our personalized relationships with each of you, allow us to advise you in a prudent way and to preserve your interests. Our purpose is to be at the service of both a community and each co-owner: being close to your expectations.
Our new service Property by floor online
In order to respond even more efficiently to your requests and to guarantee you an optimal follow-up in the running of your property, we have developed a special online service. For each property by floor, a website is developed with the property accounts, the insurance policies, the minutes and others usefull informations.